River connections (1)
Views of the River Tame, Mossley
I’ve been thinking recently about how we connect to nature, and how possibly to increase that connection. What might that connection be, and if by becoming more connected what might that be like, or what might change?
So, a lot of questions.
A fair amount of my musical activity involves engaging with nature in some way, for instance, my recent piano trio was inspired by dolphins and their sound environment.
So, I wanted to expand the way I connect with nature in a different way, while also keeping it simple - a marginal change if you like.
The answer for now is to stop by the Tame river most days to take a photo, and while I’m there to make a note of sounds, smells, feels (touch) and what I’m seeing - a four sensory audit (plus if it occurs, any change in taste - though this has not happened yet).
I’m also making a note of any changes I notice in myself, say, in my ideas about nature, about the river, water in general, flowing water, my locality, any new awarenesses, and so on to see if this regular, simple, practice transforms me at all.
I’ll make further posts with any thoughts and experiences as I go along.